#define LdirectionA 2 // 1st bit of direction of the left tire// INPUT1 #define LdirectionB 3 // 2nd bit of direction of the left tire// INPUT2 #define Lspeed 9 // Speed of left tire, analog write only 5,6,9,10,11 //Ain // right tire #define RdirectionA 4 // 1st bit of direction of the right tire//INPUT1 #define RdirectionB 5 // 2nd bit of direction of the right tire//INPUT2 #define Rspeed 10 // Speed of left tire, analog write only 5,6,9,10,11//Ain // sensors #define Lsensor 0 // sensor for tire analog in #define Rsensor 1 // sensor for tire analog in #define Fsensor 2 // sensor for tire /analog in #define Vin 8// sensor for tire /analog in boolean IR=LOW; unsigned long timeIR=0; byte ReceiveA=B00000000; // 8bitの情報 byte Receive[4]={B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000}; // 8bitの情報 unsigned int ReceiveNo[4]={0,0,0,0}; unsigned int CheckReceive=0; unsigned int CommandA=0; //最終的なコマンド unsigned int CommandAold=0; //最終的なコマンド unsigned int i=0; unsigned int j=0; unsigned int Lrpm=150; //0 to 255 //左タイヤの速度 unsigned int Rrpm=150; //0 to 255 //右タイヤの速度 unsigned long timeC=0; unsigned long dt=500; //dt=0.1 msec void DecideMotion(){ switch(CommandA){ case 88: Lrpm=Lrpm+10; Rrpm=Rrpm+10; analogWrite(Lspeed,Lrpm); analogWrite(Rspeed,Rrpm); break; //speed up case 120:Lrpm=Lrpm-10; Rrpm=Rrpm-10; analogWrite(Lspeed,Lrpm); analogWrite(Rspeed,Rrpm); break; //speed down case 124: PORTD=PORTD & = B00000011; delay(5); PORTD= PORTD |= B00101000;delay(dt); break; //go forward case 250: PORTD=PORTD &= B00000011; delay(5); PORTD= PORTD |= B00011000;delay(dt); break; //turn left case 218: PORTD=PORTD &= B00000011; delay(5); PORTD= PORTD |= B00100100;delay(dt); break; //turn right case 252: PORTD=PORTD &= B00000011; delay(5); PORTD= PORTD |= B00010100;delay(dt); break; //go backward case 188: PORTD=PORTD &= B00000011; delay(5); break; // stop } CommandAold=CommandA; } void setup() { i=0; j=0; pinMode(Vin, INPUT); pinMode(LdirectionA, OUTPUT); pinMode(LdirectionB, OUTPUT); pinMode(RdirectionA, OUTPUT); pinMode(RdirectionB, OUTPUT); pinMode(Lspeed, OUTPUT); pinMode(Rspeed, OUTPUT); analogWrite(Lspeed,Lrpm); analogWrite(Rspeed,Rrpm); DDRD=DDRD | B00111100; Serial.begin(115200); //シリアル通信の開始 } // the loop() method runs over and over again, // as long as the Arduino has power void loop(){ //プログラム本体(ずっと繰り返す。) IR=digitalRead(Vin); // 11番ピンを読んでHIGHまたはLOWをIRに代入。ここに赤外線センサーを接続 delayMicroseconds(300); //300usec待つ。 if(IR<digitalRead(Vin)){ timeC=micros()-timeIR; if(timeC> =20000){j=0;i=0;ReceiveA=B00000000;} //しばらく信号が無ければ読み直し else if(timeC>9000){ReceiveA=B00000000;} //9msec else if((timeC)>1700){ReceiveA=((ReceiveA< <1) | 1); i++;Serial.print(1);} //1700 usec else{ReceiveA=ReceiveA< <1;i++;Serial.print(0);} timeIR=micros(); } //IRがoffからonになったタイミング if(i>=8){i=0;j++;ReceiveNo[j]=(int) ReceiveA; ReceiveA=0; // if(j>=4){j=0;i=0;ReceiveA=0;CheckReceive=ReceiveNo[3]+ReceiveNo[4]; if(CheckReceive==255){ CommandA=ReceiveNo[3];CheckReceive=0;Serial.println(CommandA);Serial.println("OK"); if(CommandA!=CommandAold){ DecideMotion(); //動き方を決定 } } } } }
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